TRRA DA Watch March 2016

DA Watch



Our TRRA Planning Sub Committee monitors all D.A.’s of interest submitted to Council and the Department  of Planning and regularly updates Committee Members on current  submissions etc. We thought that this information should be shared with our membership so check on this post regularly to keep up to date on what is going on in your area.

TRRA DA Watch March 2016

Updates include: 

Nelson Bay: Old Service Station, Church Street, Old Plant Nursery Site.

Corlette:  Anchorage 

Soldiers Point: Marina Expansion

Williamtown: Cabbage Tree Road

Old Service Station

It is certainly wonderful to see the old service station site at the corner of Stockton and Tomaree Streets has finally been cleared of the dilapidated old building which was an eye sore at the entrance to the CBD. This follows the DA approval last year for the demolition of the building and the removal of the tanks the previous year. We are not aware of any plans at this stage for redevelopment of the site.

Church Street

Unfortunately the two development sites in Church Street still remain as empty holes, however some committee members earlier this year meet with one of the owners about possible development on the site. We look forward to reviewing detailed plans for one of the sites when they become available.

Old plant Nursery Site

Work has commenced on the construction of a child care centre on the site of the old plant  nursery in Stockton Street. The DA for the construction of two separate buildings was approved in September last year. This is next to the original Bunnings site which we haven’t heard or seen any plans for redevelopment.


A DA has been advertised for additions and extensions to the conservatory, a new plunge pool and roof extension over the pavilion at the Anchorage resort. Submissions are open until the 23rd March if you have any concerns regarding this proposed development.

Soldiers Point

We reported in the November newsletter that the controversial Marina expansion is back. Following rejection of the previous plan by the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) in June 2014, the applicant submitted a substantially similar application, but with a slightly revised layout and parking arrangements. TRRA prepared a submission and spoke at the second JRPP meeting on Thursday 25th February along with a number of other concerned groups, particularly the Soldiers Point group which have worked long and hard over the past few years to stop the overdevelopment of the site. The panel unanimously determined to refuse the development application again for the following reasons

  • Insufficient and inadequate information has been provided in order to facilitate a thorough assessment of the development including the following:
  • – Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment
  • -Species impact statement
  • -Coastal and hydrological assessment
  • -Visual impact assessment
  • The development is inconsistent with the aims and provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy 71 (Coastal Protection) as it has the potential to significantly impact upon critically endangered and vulnerable species, impact the visual amenity of the Soldiers Point Foreshore, and may have an unknown impact upon Aboriginal Culture and Heritage in the locality (s.79C(a)(i) EP&A Act 1979).
  • The development is inconsistent with the aims and provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy 62 (Sustainable Aquaculture) as it has the potential to significantly impact upon nearby oyster aquaculture.
  • The development is inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the W2 Recreational Waterways zone, as it has the potential to adversely impact upon the natural environment and coastal processes (s.79C(1)(a)(i) EP&A Act 1979).
  • The development fails to conform to the controls contained within Port Stephens Development Control Plan (B2 Natural Resources, B3 Environmental Management and B9 Road Network and Parking)(s.79C(1)(a)(iii) EP & A Act 1979).
  • The development has the potential to result in adverse impacts on the environment in particular upon critically endangered and vulnerable species. (s.79C(1)(b) EP & A Act 1979).
  • The development has the potential to adversely impact the environment, ecology Aboriginal Culture and Heritage and visual amenity and therefore the site is not suitable for the development(s.79C(1)(c) EP & A Act 1979).
  • The development is inappropriate for the site given existing site constraints (car parking, ecology and Aboriginal Culture and Heritage) and the character of the locality and is considered to be an overdevelopment of the site. Accordingly the proposal is not in the public interest (s.79C(1)(e) EP & A Act 1979).
  • The proposed valet parking arrangement is not considered to be a satisfactory solution to adequately address the additional demand for parking associated with the expansion of the marina (s.79C(1)(b) EP & A Act 1979).


Cabbage Tree Road

The proposed sand mine at Cabbage Tree Road has been a concern to TRRA since 2013 when the council as the landowner awarded the tender for quarrying initially to Castle Quarry products and the subsequent re-assignments, most recently to Williamtown Sand Syndicate Pty Ltd.

Following the release of the EIS for the extraction of the sand late last year, TRRA submitted an objection (HERE) to the Department of Planning in February this year objecting on a number of environmental concerns and particularly the accumulation of heavy traffic from this and existing sand mines on Nelson Bay Road.

John James – TRRA Planning Committee

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