Louise Fox Option 1 is best as it relieves conjestion in Nelson and Shoal Bays. It also gives quicker access to Shoal Bay residents.
margaret blanch dreadful decision. apalling. don’t ruin Nelson Bay. how about concentrationg on giving us more parking so was can access the shops, and not have to bypass nelson bay to go to Salamander!
which I certainly will when we get metered parking, like I avoid the waterfront now.
Michael mace 8 to 12 is fine for the area as many more families will be coming to Port Stephens either to holiday or live progress keeps rolling on.
This is great news.
Port Stephens Councillor have done we in their decision. Congratulations.
Gill Whitton Could someone please enlighten me on which members of the council voted in favour of this.
It is important so that i can refer to dome of those in favour, so that I can ask them why.

Terry Wall Years trying to convince Council after Council, Mayor after Mayor that our visitors select our beautiful location because it makes such a change from the concrete jungle from where many come.
Turn it into another concrete jungle at your peril!!

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