Recently TRRA Inc. had a resident express concerns about how messy the kerbside clean ups are and how they usually seem to coincide with school holidays when all our visitors are here….. Not a good look.
According to the response received from Council, things are set to change from 1st July 2015 with one more collection to be organized next year (on a date yet to be decided – hopefully outside of school holidays!)
Council is currently in the tender process for a new contract and an on-call bulk waste collection is an option being considered. This was a suggestion taken on board following consultation with (some) residents.
This method involves the resident calling a booking service where they will be given a specific date for their bulk waste collection. This is a method used by a number of Councils and allows the residents more flexibility as they can have the pick up when they need it. This also sorts out the issue of piles left out for a long time and scavengers.
In the meantime, why not use the services of the Salamander Bay Recycling Centre, an independent not-for-profit charity. They provide a bulk household waste removal service for the Tomaree Peninsula only.
- Street address: 360 Soldiers Point Road, Salamander Bay NSW 2317
- Postal address: PO Box 425, Salamander Bay NSW 2317
- O: (02) 4984 6244
- E:
- W:
- F:
The link to Waste Management HERE on the Port Stephens Council website is well worth a read. It covers all sorts of information about waste disposal and recycling in Port Stephens.
New residents in particular should remember that not all Councils operate in the same way and here in Port Stephens we have the excellent Bedminster system and this drives the methods used for waste management .