Community Vision for the Future of Tomaree Headland, Shoal Bay, Port Stephens

TRRA Inc has been working with a consortium of community, business and environmental groups, “ Friends of Tomaree Headland”  to develop a prospectus for the future of this iconic site once its current use comes to an end in 2020. … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | 6 Comments

TRRA General Meeting Dates

TRRA Inc General Meeting Dates 2019 7 pm in Crows Nest Room – Nelson Bay Bowling Club (unless indicated) (Note: General Meetings for 2019 are on Mondays (except where booking is unavailable) This frees our Councillors to attend our meetings … Continue reading

Posted in 2019 | Leave a comment

Sunday Telegraph article on Nelson Bay high-rise, and TRRA’s response.

Click here for details

Posted in 2019 | 3 Comments

TRRA’s submissions to Port Stephens Council

TRRA’s submissons to Port Stephens Council relating to:

‘Progressing the Nelson Bay Town Centre & Foreshore Strategy: A revised Implementation and Delivery Program 2017 and ‘Draft policy on Exceptions to Development Standards (file no PSC2007-1204V3)’ have been posted on the TRRA website (Page 1).

Posted in 2018 | 1 Comment


Council’s latest Draft placed on Exhibition on 21 February “Progressing the Nelson Bay Town Centre and Foreshore Strategy” still includes a proposal to more than double building heights across Nelson Bay Town Centre based on the argument that this is … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 | 2 Comments

Ten + storeys flawed solution for Nelson Bay

Ten + storeys flawed solution for Nelson Bay

The centrepiece of Port Stephens Council’s “Revised Implementation and Delivery Program for the Nelson Bay Town and Foreshore Strategy” is a proposal to more than double the present height limit from 5 to 10-storeys (35 metres) backed by an unconditional option to apply for more floors.

The Council argues that this is necessary for new projects to be viable and to attract more permanent residents to bolster retail business which has been struggling.

Advice provided by long established Nelson Bay real estate professionals, and developers suggests that this a false hope, as a blanket 10 + zoning across the whole town area will actually increase uncertainty because new investors will never know if a project’s views will be built out.

TRRA calls for a more fine-grained stepped zoning across the amphitheatre thus sharing views. This would offer greater certainty to developers and unit purchasers.

The Council’s consultants questioned the viability of high rise in the town when fire protection and parking requirements are factored in. They also described the market for high rise apartments as “very thin”. That is, difficult to sell units after the first couple of towers go up. Locals know how long it takes to sell new units now. We have also seen project failures leaving holes in the ground and high levels of mortgage default.

As for permanent residents, evidence shows that apartments 3 floors and over in Nelson Bay have occupancy rates of less than 30 %. Most have absentee owners and are held for weekend visits, holiday rental or capital gain. Adding to this stock will not solve the problems of our retailers.

Council persists with the line “we listened to you and now you have further opportunity to review the strategy”. However, its exhibited document acknowledges that of the 76 submissions received last year mentioning maximum building heights, “the vast majority was against any significant increase”. Council did not listen!

The majority of local residents and visitors place high value on the coastal village ambience of Nelson Bay and the protection of view corridors to the wooded ridges and towards the Bay. These principles were agreed for the 2012 Strategy. Incentives for amalgamation of sites in the town centre and in surrounding areas could attract high quality low and medium rise developments. Implementation of the other recommendations in the Delivery Program for landscaping, public spaces, traffic, parking and signage would demonstrate to developers that the community is serious about growing a vibrant town.

If you care about your town come to the Public Meeting on Tuesday 6 March, 7.00pm at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club.

Geoff Washington, TRRA President

Posted in 2018, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, TRRA Meeting Notices | 3 Comments

TRRA critique of Nelson Bay Strategy “Draft Delivery Program” December 2017

171221 TRRA critique of the draft NB Strategy delivery program

Posted in 2018 | 2 Comments

New look Council, but the old culture survives

*NB: This post has been edited at the request of the TRRA Management Committee and differs from the original article. “The new Mayor and Councillors have made a disappointing start, at their first meeting held on 26 Sept 2017.” The … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Decisions, Council Elections, Council Responses, HOT ISSUES | 1 Comment

Mambo Fight Continues – 01 Oct 2017 Protest at Site

Update 01 October 2017 Oct 01 2017: Mambo wetland angst sparks rally Oct 01 2017: Port Stephens Koalas launches ‘Go Fund Me’ page A successful protest meeting was held today at the Mambo wetlands site at 11 am to discuss … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Planning Issues, State Gov Submissions | Leave a comment

TRRA Inc. 2017 Annual General Meeting Notice

Dear Members  We hope that you and your families will attend this important meeting, and if you feel you can make a contribution, nominate for a position on the Management Committee, we need all the help we can get! For more … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, ANNOUNCEMENTS, TRRA AGMs | Leave a comment
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