Proposed New Tomaree Dive Site

Michael Almyer of Tourism Port Stephens recently advised us that a bid had been made to obtain a retired Naval vessel to be sunk off our coastline to create a dive-site.  Such sites have have added to the attractions at … Continue reading

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Hot Issues – 2011 TRRA Annual General Meeting

Documentation for TRRA 2011 AGM AGM Notice 2010 AGM Minutes 2010 Chairman’s Report Management Committee Nomination Form Membership Application/Renewal Form Constitution (Click on heading)

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NB Farmers Market

Property owners throughout the centre of Nelson Bay were advised of this DA for which comments are due by COB 21 September 2011. The proposal is for markets on the third Saturday of each month with possible locations including parts … Continue reading

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Chairman’s 2010/11 Report

TRRA Chairman’s 2010/11 Report to Membership (Click on Heading) This report is an edited text version of the PowerPoint Presentation given to the 2011 AGM by the Chairman, Geoff Washington.

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Port Stephens Council Financial Matters

As early as 2009 TRRA raised the alarm bells in relation to the state of Council’s finances. The then Chairman predicted that significant rate rises were in the pipeline only to be dubbed “an alarmist” and irresponsible by elected Councillors. This … Continue reading

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Salamander Shopping Centre

Council has a provisional agreement to sell all its land holding around the existing Salamander Bay Shopping Centre to a Tinkler Group company for $22.05 million, subject to negotiation and a lease-back deal for the sites of the Library and Community and Child Care Centres.  This follows their withdrawal in February of their own DA for the site, in which they proposed a subdivision and new access road, having provisionally agreed to sell three lots for an Aldi, Big W, and a Medical Centre.  The independent assessment of their DA was very critical, reflecting many of TRRA’s 2010 criticisms: HERE

TRRA wants to see development of the peninsula’s second major town centre, but with a forward looking Master Plan which integrates mixed uses including commercial, retail, residential and community, which is pedestrian friendly and manages traffic well, and which protects the environmental values of the parts of the site bordering the Mambo wetlands.

TRRA has objected to the process through which the Council put the land up for sale, which we think fails to ensure the best return to the community, both in dollar terms and in a good planning outcome.  Our letter to Council is: HERE

For the full earlier history of TRRA’s involvement in this issue:

Click on: Sep 2011 Update  and May 2011 Update

And then to all the previous update/history text under Salamander Town Centre from: Here

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Port Stephens Council Planning Strategy

Port Stephens Council is close to finalizing a Planning Strategy which replaces the existing Community Settlement and Infrastructure Strategy, and will be the foundation for the revised  Local Environment Plan (LEP), Development Control Plans and future re-zoning applications, as well as for infrastructure programmes.  The draft Plan is HERE (Large File, 2.37MB)

TRRA believes this important Strategy needs more work, as it uses inconsistent and confusing statistics, and does not reflect some key community expectations.  Our submission on the latest draft is HERE

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Port Stephens Council Integrated Strategic Plans

 Each year all Councils are required to prepare an “Integrated Strategic Plan” which sets out the Council’s broad objectives, its works programme into the future, an Asset Management Plan and a Forward Financial Plan. TRRA studied the 300 plus page … Continue reading

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Port Stephens Council DLG Review

The Department Of Local Government (DLG) has an ongoing review process called “The Local Government Reform Program – Promoting Better Practice.” The process is basically a “health check” of Council’s own self assessment process. The last one is on the … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay Marina Resort

A development application was lodged in 2010 for the redevelopment of the Marina Resort on Magnus Street, Nelson Bay. The proposal involved the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new resort hotel, conference centre and hospitality school. … Continue reading

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