Democracy Disconnected!


05 March Newcastle Herald Story HERE

Despite valiant attempts by Crs John Nell, Geoff Dingle and Peter Kafer with their notice of motion last night (5.3.13) to rescind the 11 December motion of Council, the webcast will NOT be restarting. Three of our TRRA members attended and noted that Councillors who voted against this   Bruce MacKenzie, Cr Sally Dover (East Ward), Cr John Morello (East Ward), Cr Chris Doohan, Cr Ken Jordan and Cr Steve Tucker. (Cr Le Motte was absent from voting).The strong arguments for reinstatement as presented on the night by the 3 Councillors and in the submissions sent by TRRA and members of the public were once again ignored. TRRA will continue to gather evidence to challenge the citing of defamation action as a valid reason for this decision. For a start, we have to ask…..How come other Councils in NSW do not have the same issue? Here are a few democratic NSW Councils revealed from a quick Google Search:

Lane Cove

Warringah (since 2005!)


Botany Bay


Newcastle (in theory from Feb 2013 but 12 Feb broke down! Next 9 March)

Democracy and transparency are now dead. The only people who will actually see what is happening in our Council chambers will be those dedicated enough to take the drive to Raymond Terrace and back twice per month.

(Reported by Margaret Wilkinson who attended the Council meeting in Raymond Terrace last night 5.3.13)

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