Geoff Washington (Committee Member – TRRA Inc)

Geoff retired to Nelson Bay in 2007 and immediately became involved in a range of community activities including the East Tomaree Precinct Committee.

He was a founding member of TRRA and has served previously as President, Chairman and Media Officer.

Starting his career as a secondary school teacher, Geoff has worked as an economist and regional planner in Australia and Canada, and as a policy advisor in the Commonwealth and NSW State governments. Geoff worked for ten years in tourism as Director of Research and Development in the Australian Tourist Commission, and subsequently as Assistant Secretary in the Commonwealth Department of Tourism and Recreation.

In 1969 he worked as a consultant on the development of a prospectus for the establishment of the Myall Lakes National Park. He and his wife Judy have always been active in their community organisations including Parents and Citizens Associations, Lane Cove Historical Society, an Afghan Refugee Support Association and the Lane Cove Council Cultural Planning Group.

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