Last chance to object to high-rise in Nelson Bay Centre

Last chance to object to high-rise in Nelson Bay Centre

Council is exhibiting proposed changes to the planning instruments (LEP and DCP) that are required to give final effect to the increased height limits and other changes adopted back in late 2018.

Most of the changes are positive and will help advance those aspects of the Nelson Bay Strategy that have broad support in the community.  BUT we think the height and floor space ratio (FSR) changes are a threat to the character of the town.

We call on everyone concerned about this to object and to remind Council that they are forcing these changes through against the clear wishes of the local community, repeatedly expressed over many years.

We have prepared this submission guide, suggesting some key points you may wish to include in a submission to Council, which must be received by 30 July.

Full Submission – Click Here


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One Response to Last chance to object to high-rise in Nelson Bay Centre

  1. Terry Wall says:

    Years trying to convince Council after Council, Mayor after Mayor that our visitors select our beautiful location because it makes such a change from the concrete jungle from where many come.
    Turn it into another concrete jungle at your peril!!

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