Local Environmental Plan 2012 – New Submission Deadline

Extension Of Draft LEP 2012 Exhibition

Following appeals by TRRA and others about the inadequate consultation period, Council extended the exhibition period to Friday 14 December.

We think the Council’s Draft LEP is mostly sound, but we have concerns about the proposed zoning for multi-unit developments in more of Nelson Bay and Shoal Bay, including high buildings near the Nelson Bay Diggers Club.

We are also seeking assurances that the new LEP will prevent  inappropriate development on rural land, of which there have been too many examples  under the current plan.

We note that the draft plan does not yet ‘lock in’ the hard won height controls for the Nelson Bay commercial areas.

TRRA’s draft submission is HERE – Comments are welcome – by noon on Wednesday 12 December please. email to Nigel Waters, planning@trra.com,au

If you are concerned about any specific aspect of the draft LEP – particularly what the maps say about intentions in your local area, make a submission to Council by Friday 5 pm.  The draft, including maps, are available for inspection at the Tomaree Library.

Check the maps to see if this affects your property!

Other Posts on this subject HERE


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