PSC 2012 Local Environmental Plan

Council began the process at Tuesday night’s meeting of adopting the new LEP 2012.  This will be an extremely important document as it sets the criteria for all planning decisions for probably the next 12 to 15 years.  The Current plan is the LEP 2000 and it now needs a virtual rewrite in order to comply with the SEPP (State Environmental Planning Principles) which were legislated in 2009.

A Press Release expressing TRRA’s concerns with the process is: HERE

PSC’s Press Release on the decision taken at the meeting is: HERE

The Draft LEP 2012 is available: HERE (*NB multiple Large documents!)

TRRA were involved in the ‘Futures’ consultations at the start of this exercise in 2009 and will be examining the hundreds of pages of documents, maps and diagrams associated with this process and consulting with East Ward Councillors and Council Planners to ensure that ratepayers interests are taken into account in the final version of this important document.

TRRA hope to be able to provide a public forum to discuss issues raised in this process with prospective candidates in the lead up to the Council elections in September as this process will probably be finalised by the new Council.


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