Our General Meeting scheduled for 13 February
will be held at the
Nelson Room, Ground Floor,
Nelson Bay Bowling Club commencing at 7:00 pm.
If you are not already a member of the Bowling Club
you may join as a social member for $12 per year (financial)
which entitles you to discounts on drinks and dining.
Monday 13th February 2023, 7:00 pm
- Apologies
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Business Arising
- Correspondence In and Out
- Business Arising from Correspondence
- Treasurer’s Report
- Reports
- PSC proposed rate increase
- Port Stephens roads rain damage
- Amendments to the Port Stephens Development Control Plan 2014
- PSC advertising of development applications
- TRRA submission – future of Tomaree Lodge site
- TRRA submission – PSC Plans for replacement of amenities at Little Beach
- Report on major graffiti outbreak on Peninsula
- Proposal for Intersection of Gan Gan and Nelson Bay Roads
- Gateway improvements especially signage control
- Traffic control / road plan for Nelson Bay CBD
- Planning. TRRA Current Issues – DAs of Interest
- General Business
NEXT MEETING: Monday 17 April 2023
Port Stephens Council Rate Increase ProposalsThere is no new news on Council’s proposal for a rate rise.
The Council’s latest website post on this matter is https://www.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/council/rate-rise-options:
Significant developments in the February/March period are summarised as follows :
‘Council is now working towards preparing the application which will be submitted prior to 3 February 2023.
The community will be able to make further community consultation via IPART which is expected to occur during February to March 2023’.
Submission on Proposed Amendments to the Port Stephens Development Control Plan 2014
On 8 December2022, TTRA joined with EcoNetwork Port Stephens in a submission on proposed amendments to the Port Stephens DCP. See HERE

In an announcement by the Minister for Families and Communities and Minister for Disability Services Natasha Maclaren-Jones, 20 October 2022, the NSW Government has re-affirmed its commitment to retain the Tomaree Lodge site at Port Stephens for community use. The announcement also referred to the Government’s commitment to allowing locals to decide how Tomaree Lodge is best used for their community.A Newcastle consultant, Umwelt, has conducted a survey of local and visitor opinions on suitable future uses of the Lodge site. We await the results of this “have your say” which concluded on 6 January 2023.
TRRA’s submission is HERE.
We await the results of this survey and the Government’s next actions.
The Tomaree Headland Heritage Group (THHG) has been active in surveying visitors at the Headland to seek their opinion on their experience.
The majority were very positive about the Headland itself but many complained that there were no toilets and that the existing signage and track marking were inadequate.
THHG has made representations to the Department of Communities and Justice and Council to recommission the toilets at the entry gate. Some repair work has been done but the facility was not ready for the summer peak visitation.
Replacement of Amenities Block at Little Beach

Council has succeeded in gaining grants from two different state authorities to replace the existing block and to construct an additional building for a disabled wheelchair facility.
Planning and design has been occurring over the past 12 months but consultation with users and local residents has not matched earlier undertakings. The final plans were put out to tender in December 2022.
Briefings of interested parties have been given by Council staff over the past two weeks. Many queries were raised about the processes followed and aspects of the design, particularly the need for two separate buildings, the placement of the buildings, the height of the roofline, the reduced capacity of the toilets and the acceptability of the proposed unisex configuration. Council staff informed those present that the grants came with conditions and design codes and that there was little room for amendment at this stage without risking the loss of the State grants.
At the conclusion of the 2 February meeting there was no real consensus reached. The two East Ward Councillors present were inclined to support the designs which have been put to tender.
For further information on TRRA Inc submissions to issues affecting our community, including Federal, State, LGA DA proposals and decisions refer to our website:
Call for interest In TRRA Committee/specialist positions.
At present the key positions of
- Vice President and
- Media Officer
remain unfilled and are being covered on a temporary basis. Expressions of interest are invited from TRRA members or potential members who feel they may be able to contribute in these roles.
Please contact our secretary via email secretary@trra.com.au to discuss.
Geoff Washington
Acting Media Officer