$4.7M Birubi Surf Club Redevelopment – Where Is The Money Coming From?

Basically there is a now a whopping $2.5M shortfall, compared to an original shortfall of $350,000 (as per 26.6.12 Council meeting).  The Federal Grant which seems to be driving this redevelopment only accounts for $2.2M.

At the Council meeting on Tuesday night 23.4.13, Councillors approved the funding model for the Birubi Surf Club redevelopment.  This includes “internal borrowings” from Section 94 of close to $1.8M which can only have the effect of sending many other worthy projects down the works list.  Another half Million is to come from the Asset Rehabilitation Reserve.

TRRA Inc fully supports Surf Clubs and the important role they play in our community in saving lives and the development opportunities they provide for the young Nippers.  This is also an iconic site and of huge value to the tourism industry for Port Stephens.

TRRA Inc is not against development – we just support good planning and development…. and financial responsibility!

TRRA Inc supported the new building plan in April this year HERE and did express concerns relating to:-

  • How will this be funded? (…..and what other basic services and asset renewals will miss out)
  • No integrated masterplan which encompasses the whole of the northern end of Stockton Beach and sand dunes
  • No plans to improve the access road, particularly as the redevelopment potentially will increase traffic
  • The new plan seems to only really replace the existing building with the addition of a caretakers residence
  • What happens relating to ongoing funding for maintenance?

TRRA  also made a suggestion to include an observation window and education display and incorporate the Aboriginal midden into the planning rather than building over it. An endorsed recommendation from the NSW State Government Visitor Economy Taskforce was to raise the profile of Aboriginal Heritage.  Is this a missed opportunity?

The following attachments come from the Council meeting papers of 23.4.13. It looks impressive…. But can we afford it at this hugely increased cost, especially when the access to this iconic site is not going to substantially change.

Redevelopment  Plan – HERE

Lower Floor Plan – HERE

Upper Floor Plan – HERE

Northern Aerial View – HERE

Approach Views – Before and After HERE

View from Beach – Before and After HERE

Previous Posts On This Issue HERE

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