Author Archives: TRRA


Samurai Beach Resort – The Last Naked Truth?   Samurai Beach Resort is no more. The last 5 page report about the resort to the October 28 2014 Council Meeting did not contain any reference to Samurai in all 5 pages. … Continue reading

A Double Whammy For Nelson Bay CBD

Update 16 December 2014: Port Stephens Council delivers on a Christmas promise for car parks Hot on the heels of the announcement that the Nelson Bay Coles Supermarket is to close on 09 November 2014 we now get the News … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Decisions, Council Meetings, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Parliamentary Inquiry To investigate Planning Decisions In The Hunter

 ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 17 September 2014: NSW Parliamentary Inquiry To Investigate Planning Decisions In Newcastle A Parliamentary Inquiry has been set up to investigate controversial planning decisions in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. The inquiry comes in the wake of … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Decisions, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Better Planning Network Public Community Forum

TRRA Inc. and EcoNetwork Port Stephens Inc. have Joined forces to bring you a Public Community Forum convened by the Better Planning Network Of New South Wales.   Venue:           Tomaree Community Centre – Salamander Bay Date:               Wednesday 12th November 2014 Time: … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Happy To Take Your Dollars – But Don’t Try And Spend A Penny!

Update 17 December 2014: Thank You Councillor Dingle! Councillor Geoff Dingle raised this matter with Council Planning Staff and there was not much enthusiasm but when he indicated that if it was not fixed he would be calling it up before … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Decisions, Council Responses, Council Submissions, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

What’s Happening With Kerbside Clean Ups?

Recently TRRA Inc. had a resident express concerns about how messy the kerbside clean ups are and how they usually seem to coincide with school holidays when all our visitors are here….. Not a good look. According to the response received … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Decisions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC – Local Govt. Minister: Please Finish The Job!

ICAC Appearance, Craig Bauman Port Stephens MP – Ex PSC Mayor and Councillor Thank you Peter Lewis, you have nailed it again! – Newcastle Herald Cartoon Gallery -13 September 2014 TRRA Inc. is deeply concerned at further revelations of questionable behaviour … Continue reading

Posted in I.C.A.C. Investigations, Litagation, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Better Planning Network Community Charter

TRRA Inc. is one of 460 Community Groups affiliated to the Better Planning Network , a volunteer-based organisation formed at the end of August 2012 by Community Groups concerned about the NSW Government’s planning reforms.  The BPN is campaigning for a visionary planning system that … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

TRRA Inc. Issues Raised In Parliament

Newcastle Herald 22 August 2014: Labor’s Call For Answers 19 August 2014: TRRA inc. concerns about the Conduct of the 2012 Port Stephens Council Elections and the Councils reluctance to release comprehensive information relating to DA applications electronically on their website were … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Decisions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC, MaKenzie & McCloy – Should Property Developers Be Mayors too?

  Reaction – Examiner 20 August 2014: Call For ICAC Probe Into PSC & Mayor Bruce MacKenzie Update 20 August: Correction to Mayors assertion in the Examiner:  “ICAC have more to do than come to Port Stephens,” he said. “The TRRA are only … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Elections, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments