Birubi Beach Surf Club House

TRRA Inc. has been concerned about this issue since 2010 (Original Submission link below) and we are sure that the people of Anna Bay, the Surf Club Members an the Aboriginal Community have been trying to get this iconic site developed properly for a lot longer than that.  The Federal Government realized the significance of the site and the need to upgrade the facilities and made a conditional grant of 2.2 M.  Since then the issue has become mired in controversy, Council has spent about $267,000.00 on plans and nothing has happened.  The grant is due to expire in July 2014 and if the plans are not approved and the shortfall in finance addressed long before then there is a real possibility that the grant could be withdrawn.  Even the Federal Election in September could impact on this.

Once again TRRA Inc. has asked for a Master Plan for the development of the whole Birubi Point Precinct so that this development becomes part of an overall plan, not an ad hoc short term fix, but as we have seen with the Salamander Shopping Centre, Apex park and other proposal this unfortunately seems to be a step to far for this Council.

Nigel Waters and John James from our Planning Committee have developed this Submission in consultation with the TRRA Inc. Management Committee.

TRRA March 2010 Submission HERE

TRRA March 2013 Submission HERE

Daft Plan 1

Draft Plan 2

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