See the Video: SAND FIGHT produced by Channel Ten
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Update 09 December 2014
TRRA Inc. held one of these workshops in relation to the Soldiers Point Marina and it was well attended and very successful. We recommend your attendance if you are interested in defending Your local environment.
Original Post 23 December 2014:
TRRA Inc. do not have a position on this proposal yet, we are still gathering information on it and we have collated what we have so far for our members and Committee to form a view. We have attached links to the newspaper coverage and wont repeat the details of the proposal and the public meeting which has been well covered in the articles, maps and documents below.
We will continue to post further information and Media as it comes to hand. We encourage our members and local Bobs Farm Residents to comment on this issue in the comment box below.
The extra traffic on Nelson Bay and Marsh Road on top of the other sand mining activities in the area and the mines proximity to Bobs Farm township and its school have certainly received plenty of attention in the media, but the process has a long way to go yet, and there will be ample opportunity to make submissions and voice opinions.
This project has been on the cards for a while and although Council Officers were aware of it back in February 2014 most Councillors read about it in the papers when the local P&C were contacted by the proponents for an ‘Information” session. A public meeting was called on 25 November 2014. Several of our committee members attended the meeting and local residents have requested our assistance.
Letter From Bobs Farm Resident To TRRA
Say No To Sand Mining in Bobs Farm is on Facebook.
The site had some history to it, as This Document shows, the original owners application to clear vegetation from 14 hectares for an olive farm in 2002 was refused. In 2010 the Council received a complaint and discovered that sometime between 2002 and 2004, 4.68 hectares was cleared without consent. Although Government Authorities were aware of this, it was not reported to Council and nothing was done about it. Note also that this document specifically recommends against entry or exit to the site from Marsh Road and gives clear reasons why.
To get a better Idea of what is proposed click on the links below.
Bobs Farm Sand Project (location Map)
Bobs Farm Project – Site Plan 1 (With Aerial)
Bobs Farm Sand Project – Site Plan
Ammos Resource Management: Exploration Licence (View PDF’s)
Tattersall Lander Pty Ltd: Consultants
NSW Planning And Environment – Major Projects – Bobs Farm Sand Mine
Media coverage:
Newcastle Herald 24 November 2014: PICS: Plans For Sand Mine Next To Primary School
Australian Mining 26 November 2014: New Sand Mine Proposed For Small NSW town
Newcastle Herald 28 November 2014: Fears Nelson Bay Road will become an ‘accidental highway’
Examiner 02 December 2014: No sand mine in our backyard says Bobs Farm residents
Newcastle Herald 02 December 2014: LETTER: Suspicion over mine justified
ABC News 04 December 2014: Bobs Farm locals worried about environmental impacts of sand mine
NBN News 27 Feb. 2015: Anger Over Port Stephens Sand Mine Proposals
Newcastle Herald 27 Feb.: Greens Dig In Against Port Stephens Sand Mine Plans
Newcastle Herald 07 October 2014: Sandmine Lease Advice Ignored