Candidate Forum No. 3 Medowie, Dread-locked Leafleter

The TRRA Team set up our presentation for the third session of the ‘Meet The Candidates’ Forum as guests of the Medowie Progress Association in their excellent multi hall facility in the Medowie Community Centre. The hall had a large pull-down projection screen, a good sound system and an an enthusiastic crowd of 50 or so residents who had left their warm homes on a cold winters night in expectation of seeing the field of candidates for Mayor and Central Ward Council elections strut their stuff.

Once again the people were disappointed that only one of the three Mayoral candidates, (Geoff Dingle) and of the other eight lead Candidates, only Darryl Doggett, Catlin Spiller and Shaun McEachem presented themselves.  To have only one incumbent Councillor out of four standing for election, one candidate out of three standing for Mayor and only a representation of four, out of a total 27 candidates who have nominated for Central Ward turn up at a properly constituted, professionally run, well advertised public meeting is a disgrace, and an insult to their constituents.

Just how fair dinkum are these people who purport to represent our interests?  This is really no skin off TRRA’s nose, we have put the meetings on at the request of the various Community groups and the people have turned up to support them.  This is now starting to look like an organised boycott to ‘punish’ The TRRA for asking a few straight questions at the first forum. Accountability is apparently optional with this lot!  If the candidates can not be bothered to turn up, I would suggest that if you did, don’t bother to vote for them either.  Maybe some of these newcomers who do care and do turn up might be a better choice? Geoff Dingle has survived all Forums so far and is still in one piece!

Medowie Forum was not without some light relief. A patron who arrived a little late noticed someone behaving suspiciously in the car park.  Upon investigation a mysterious stooped figure in a big coat, and resplendent with a dread-lock wig was seen leafleting the cars.  When challenged and accosted he picked up a remarkable turn of speed down Ferrodale Road. The leaflets were collected and the contents were relayed to the meeting.  There was a nasty allegation in this anonymous leaflet that a previous Councillor had been assaulted at the Anna Bay Forum by another nominated candidate. The person named in the leaflet was present at the Medowie meeting last night but did not attend the Anna Bay meeting at all. (truth always seems to be the first casualty in these things)

We have been contacted by other Candidates and several members of the press about this ‘incident’ that occurred outside the Anna Bay meeting, but was clearly audible in the meeting.  We have given our account to the press, and understand that there has been a complaint laid with the Police who are investigating.  We would just like to remind the people that are propagating this story that we recorded those forums on video, and our recorded version of events seems to bear very little resemblance to the rumours being circulated around the place by those with vested interests, which are then being repeated back to us.

We have been asked to still run theTanilba Forum on Wednesday August 29 at 7.00pm. at the Tilligery RSL Sports Club. We hear that a couple of the Candidates regularly drink there, maybe they will join us, but we are not holding our breath……..

Listed below are the Questions asked at the Medowie Forum. If you think any of these questions are inappropriate for candidates to answer, or for you to have the answers to, before you vote, please comment below.

Press Release Is: HERE

Medowie Meeting 27 Aug 2012 

Questions Put To All Candidates

1.    Financial Management

2.    Environmental Planning Performance

Questions For Panel, To Be Asked By Moderator

3.    Councils Performance Report Card, DLG Review

4.    Council’s Exposure to Litigation

5.    Transparency of Decision Making

6.    Roads and Pot Holes,

7.    Proposed Medowie Roundabout

8.    Development on Flood Prone Lands,

9.    Medowie Flood Study

10. Medowie Sports Club

Topics for Questions From the Floor 

11. Inadequate Community Consultation, Residents Panel

12. Council’s Investment in Holiday Parks

13. Rates and Levies

14. Proposal to Remove 14 Playgrounds

15. Facilities for Seniors     

16. Protection of Koalas

17. Tree Preservation

18. Coal Seam Gas

19. Webcam Recording and Broadcasting of Council Meetings

20. Other Questions From The Floor






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2 Responses to Candidate Forum No. 3 Medowie, Dread-locked Leafleter

  1. Peter QUIRK says:

    It may seem a frivolous and inconsequential act but the placing of material under the wipers on parked cars is now a state wide “littering offence” that can and should be monitored and controlled by PSC rangers.
    For persons aspiring to seek positions on our Council to also organise formal littering in this manner shows the real regard they have for community standards and the maintenance of “Tidy Towns and Places”.
    The offender did not have the gumption to attend the meeting it appears, but instead litters the car-park with inane comments … what hope for the future ?

  2. Neil M Hansford says:

    TRRA have set out to give all candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves and react to the issues being asked by the community.
    Obviously TRRA’s honourable intentions are not liked by those who don’t believe they are responsible to the electorate. I expected it of Councillors wanting re-election but not new groups. Maybe they are only their to harvest preferences for those who want to give us more of the same deplorable Council.
    TRRA did it’s level and commendable best to inform the electorate.

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