Dog Exercise Areas
Public Exhibition – Draft Dog Exercise Area Mapping
Following many community requests it has been decided to extend the exhibition period for the Dog Exercise Area mapping for a further 28 days to allow sufficient time for submissions to be received. The closing date for submission will now be the Wednesday 11 June 2014.
At its meeting on 8 April 2013, Council agreed to place the draft dog exercise area mapping on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from Wednesday 16 April to Wednesday 11 June 2014. The draft mapping will be displayed at Council’s Administration Building, Tomaree Library and Tilligerry Library.
Public Exhibition – Draft Dog Exercise Area Mapping (PDF) (6.32 MB) (NB* Large file, wait for download)
Submissions in writing are invited to be received at Council on or before close of business on Wednesday 11 June 2014.