Improving the visual amenity of the approach to the Tomaree peninsula

Improving the visual amenity of the approach to the Tomaree peninsula

TRRA has put a detailed proposal to Council for improving the visual amenity of the approach to the Tomaree peninsula along Nelson Bay Road. – Click here Council staff have offered a meeting to discuss our ideas.

Nelson Bay Photographs. – Click here

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6 Responses to Improving the visual amenity of the approach to the Tomaree peninsula

  1. Kassia Klinger says:

    Great initiative TRRA.

    Yes the sight of numerous poorly-screened construction zones, ugly non or poorly landscaped Council depots, trucks strategically placed as unofficial billboards (some covered in barely-clad women), dumped farm machinery or building/industrial materials, abandoned buildings, rural land used for non-rural purposes and the cancer of roadside signage (which is often poorly constructed and designed) make the gateway to Tomaree our globally significant, natural paradise and marine biodiversity hotspot an absolute embarrassment.

    Especially now with Covid19 international tourists aren’t able to visit for a while, so our area will be competing for local tourist dollars with lovely seaside villages up and down the East Coast. around the continent, possibly gorgeous New Zealand and eventually other parts of the Pacific.

    We must lift our game ✌️

  2. George Allen says:

    Thank you TRRA you are correct with all the points outlined, basically the road to Nelson Bay is a bloody eyesore (please excuse my french) Not only an eyesore but all the adverting boards are designed to take your eyes of the road, some even say “try not to read this”. Needles to say me and my family support you 100%

    • Margaret Wilkinson says:

      Agree about the signs….. However, TRRA is highlighting many more eyesores and is to be commended.

  3. Kathy Brown says:

    Thank you, a very comprehensive report. Council disappoints once again because they had not already planned any further than the new vertical town signs that have recently been installed. Recent visitors of ours have tried to find One Mile Beach and Dutchies Beach. No signage!

    • Margaret Wilkinson says:

      I’ve asked Council to address One Mile Beach signage – particularly coming from the East…..nothing happened! As for Dutchies…… perhaps we want to keep that lovely place a local secret!!! Agreed though, very hard to find….. and then park! Perhaps signage encouraging people to park at East Bagnall and walk! I think the new signs are “pretty ordinary”…. to say the least!

  4. Margaret Wilkinson says:

    Wonderful initiative from TRRA. Let’s hope we get some combined action from Council and the owners plus the community to improve the entrance to our beautiful area.

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