2nd October 2018 – Incredibly, the core proposals had not changed from those exhibited in February 2018, despite around at least 95% of the more than 2600 public responses objecting to the doubling of building heights to 10 storeys across most of the town.
24th Sept 2018 – Newsletter covering Building Heights issue to be voted on in Council Meeting 25th September
Port Stephens Council Proposal for Special Rate Variation – TRRA Position
Port Stephens Council Proposal for Special Rate Variation – TRRA Position
Our guest speaker at our next general meeting to be held on Monday 18th June commencing at 7 pm will be the new Chief Executive Officer of Destination Port Stephens, Ms Eileen Gilliland. The meeting will be held in the Crows Nest Room at Nelson Bay Bowling Club
May 27th Working bee Click here
11th APRIL Member Communication
The key agenda item for discussion will be the potential implications for the whole of the Port Stephens Local Government Area should the draft policy on Exceptions to Development Standards be approved
28th March Member Communication
14th March Member Communication
TRRA’s public forum held at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club on 12 March was promoted as ‘Save Nelson Bay from High Rise’. It was attended by over 300 people and not surprisingly, they were overwhelmingly opposed to the doubling or more of height limits proposed by Council.
7th February 2018 Member Communication
To remind that we have our general meeting on Monday next 12th February
commencing at 7 pm in the Crows Nest at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club. The
agenda is attached.
30 January 2018 Newsletter
This promises to be a year of great challenge to Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc. First up, we will need your full support to object to Council lifting the lid on building heights in our town centre – A Battle we Must Win.