Search Results for: soldiers point marina

Newsletters 2015

November 2015 Newsletter The Latest from TRRA Inc.   October 2015 Newsletter The Latest from TRRA Inc.   TRRA DA Watch September 2015 Updates include: Soldiers Point Marina, Anna Bay Resort, Seniors living at Diggers, more ‘caravan park’ housing, Rural residential … Continue reading

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Newsletters 2019

29th November 2019 – Our final General Meeting for 2019 will be held on Monday 9 December commencing at 6 30 pm in the Nelson Bay Room at Nelson Bay Bowling Club.  Message from TRRA President, Ben van der Wijngaart. … Continue reading

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Archives 2019

Archives: 2019 Click on link above, latest posts are first, click on the Arrows or Page Numbers at the bottom of the page for more Proposed Mobile phone Base Station 9 Church St, Nelson Bay – submissions due by 18 November … Continue reading

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April 2019 DA Watch Report

Updates Include: Apart from our major submission objecting to the proposed tower block at 1 Yacaaba St, Nelson Bay we have been following a number of other development proposals. The next two stages of the ‘Eden at Wanda.Beach’. The Nelson … Continue reading

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February 2017 Newsletter – DA Watch

Our General Meeting, 7:00 pm Tuesday 21 Feb at Nelson Bay Bowling Club is shaping up to be one of the most important for Nelson Bay Residents for some time. Two major issues will be discussed at this meeting. The … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Council Amalgamations, Council Elections, Council Submissions, D A Watch, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, TRRA Newsletters | 1 Comment

Archives 2017

Archives: 2017 Click on link above, latest posts are first, click on the Arrows or Page Numbers at the bottom of the page for more.   Battle lines drawn – the height war the Nelson Bay community must win. – Posted 08 … Continue reading

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Planning Development

Discussion Paper – Future of Housing on the Tomaree Peninsula TRRA is setting out some ideas on housing partly as input to the Port Stephens Council’s consideration of the issues in advance of the formal consultation that will follow the … Continue reading

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Planning & Development – Archive

            Planning For People Community Forum – EcoNetwork Sunday 26 April 2015 – Tomaree Community Centre – 2:00 Pm   Better Planning Network Community Charter Posted 15 September 2014 Planning For The people!   Soldiers … Continue reading

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TRRA DA Watch September 2015

Our TRRA Planning Sub Committee monitors all D.A.’s of interest submitted to Council and the Department  of Planning and regularly updates Committee Members on current  submissions etc. We thought that this information should be shared with our membership so check … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Council Decisions, D A Watch, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Submissions | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


Our TRRA Planning Sub Committee monitors all D.A.’s of interest submitted to Council and the Department  of Planning and regularly updates Committee Members on current  submissions etc. We thought that this information should be shared with our membership so check … Continue reading

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