Search Results for: 2019

TRRA’s Submission to IPART on SRV

The TRRA submission to IPART concludes as follows: If the council succeeds with its application, it is at the higher end of the options normally granted by IPART. TRRA  notes the current Council which is proposing the SRV has only … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | Leave a comment

Revised plans for 1 Yacaaba St apartment building

Revised plans for 1 Yacaaba St apartment building fail to address concerns. The applicant for a residential apartment building on the corner of Yacaaba and Donald Streets has changed the design for a second time, supposedly in response to earlier … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | 2 Comments

IPART Submission on Special Rate Variation

Preparatory to submitting its case to IPART (The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal) for consideration of its Special Rates Variation (SRV), Council is required to put its final submission up for public exhibition and comment. TRRA will be putting its … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | 1 Comment

OBJECTION: Bobs Farm Quarry – Sand Mine Project State Significant Development Application No SSD 6395

Attached is the full docment submitted to Department of Planning and Environment. Click Here

Posted in 2017 | 1 Comment

Community Vision for the Future of Tomaree Headland, Shoal Bay, Port Stephens

TRRA Inc has been working with a consortium of community, business and environmental groups, “ Friends of Tomaree Headland”  to develop a prospectus for the future of this iconic site once its current use comes to an end in 2020. … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | 6 Comments

Sandmines in Port Stephens Area

TRRA supports Bobs Farm community in rejecting massive sand mine TRRA’s Submission – Click here Graphic of Sandmines, existing and proposed – Click Here Table of Sandmines and traffic analysis – Click Here A major new sand mine at Bobs Farm, … Continue reading

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TRRA General Meeting Dates

TRRA Inc General Meeting Dates 2019 7 pm in Crows Nest Room – Nelson Bay Bowling Club (unless indicated) (Note: General Meetings for 2019 are on Mondays (except where booking is unavailable) This frees our Councillors to attend our meetings … Continue reading

Posted in 2019 | Leave a comment

Sunday Telegraph article on Nelson Bay high-rise, and TRRA’s response.

Click here for details

Posted in 2019 | 3 Comments

General Meeting Minutes 2018

Minutes:  General Meetings 2018: Feb 2018 – Click Here April  2018 – Click Here SLIDE SHOW USED AT MEETING – Click Here June 2018 –Click Here SLIDE SHOW USED AT MEETING – Click Here August 2018 – Click Here October(AGM) 2018 – … Continue reading

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February 2017 Newsletter – DA Watch

Our General Meeting, 7:00 pm Tuesday 21 Feb at Nelson Bay Bowling Club is shaping up to be one of the most important for Nelson Bay Residents for some time. Two major issues will be discussed at this meeting. The … Continue reading

Posted in 2017, Council Amalgamations, Council Elections, Council Submissions, D A Watch, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, TRRA Newsletters | 1 Comment