PSC Election Post Mortem…Thursday

Results of the Mayoral Ballot were posted on The Australian Election Company Website yesterday (Wed) afternoon at about 4.00pm and indicated that, after Sally Dover’s preferences were distributed, Bruce Mackenzie has won the ballot by 884 votes (2.00%) from Geoff Dingle.

The people of the Port Stephens LGA have spoken, and congratulations are in order for our new Mayor. 

It was a close run contest with only 398 out of 40,761 votes seperating Geoff Dingle and Bruce Mackenzie at one stage after the Pre-Poll count. Of Sally Dover’s 11068 votes, 6386 were exhausted (no preference specified), 2202 preferenced Geoff Dingle and 2480 preferenced Bruce Mackenzie. The informal vote was 2867 (7.03%)

The results of the ballot for Councillor’s positions will be released either this afternoon or possibly tomorrow with no further figures released at this stage. We will do a full wrap up of and analysis when the results are announced.


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