Soldiers Point Marina extension – too many unanswered questions

TRRA has made a submission on the DA for a major extension of the Soldiers Point marina, highlighting many concerns which have not been adequately addressed by the applicant.  We have submitted that the DA should not be granted on the basis of the current application. The submission is: HERE

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One Response to Soldiers Point Marina extension – too many unanswered questions

  1. Annie Howarth says:

    Re: DA Soldiers Point Marina
    I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the support given to the Residents of Soldiers Point in regard to the above DA.
    The TRRA provides a valuable, important role within our community and the Mayors recent comments inregard to the Nelson Bay CBD Plan only highlights the need and valuable contribution the TRRA makes to our community.
    Kind Regards
    Annie Howarth

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