Soldiers Point Community Group Inc.
To Members and Friends,
Up-Date on Proposed Extension of the Soldiers Point Marina: Land and Environment Court Proceedings – Class 1 Appeal – Clippers Anchorage Pty Ltd
After the exchange of Reports by both parties the matter has been set down for Hearing in the Land and Environment Court between the 3rd and 7th April 2017.
Following a site inspection at Soldiers Point on Monday 3rd April by the Commissioner and both parties’ legal representatives and experts the public hearing will commence at the Soldiers Point Hall at 12 noon. After hearing objector evidence from members of the Soldiers Point Community Group and other independent speakers, time permitting, the Court will resume at Newcastle Local Court for the remainder of the day.
As this is a public hearing we hope that as many of our members and friends will attend the hearing at Soldiers Point on Monday 3rd April 2017 to support our dedicated speakers.
On the following days, 4 – 7 April, the proceedings will be held in the Land and Environment Court, 225 Macquarie Street, Sydney.
It would be wonderful if a representative from our Group could attend the Land and Environment Court in Sydney on any of the days between the 4th and 7th April to listen to the proceedings. All sessions are open to the public and this may just suite some of our Sydney members and friends.
We will update you with any information which comes to hand prior to that date. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,
Jean Armstrong
Acting Secretary: Soldiers Point Community Group Inc.
02 49820849
TRRA Previous Submission HERE
Earlier Story On Soldiers Point Marina HERE 18 March 2016
Further to the update from the Soldiers Point Group, I have registered to speak at the hearing on 3 April on behalf of both TRRA and EcoNetwork, and will be re-iterating the main points from the respective submissions. You can find TRRAs original and subsequent submissions on the Marina extension DA elsewhere on this website. I would welcome any further input or comments before the 3 April and look forward to seeing some of you at the hearing. Nigel Waters – Convener – TRRA Planning Committee