Tag Archives: 2012

PSC Proposal To Webcast Meetings

Port Stephens Council has been discussing a proposal to transmit a live webcast of it’s meetings for public consumption.  Not much detail has been provided so far bur TRRA has raised some of the issues requiring discussion in a submission  :HERE

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Lagoons Estate Submission February 2012

TRRA made a submission on the application for Variation to approved DA, Lagoons Estate, Dowling St, Nelson Bay on February 16 2012. The Submission is available :HERE

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Nelson Bay 2030 Strategy, February 15 2012

Nigel Waters, our Planning Consultant, prepared a PowerPoint Presentation for TRRA to the Nelson Bay Strategy Stakeholder Forum on the 15 February 2012. at Nelson Bay Bowling Club.  TRRA was represented at the forum by Nigel, TRRA Chairman Geoff Washington, Darryl Goode. … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay 2030 Strategy, January 20 2012

TRRA Chairman Geoff Washington Reports: DEVELOPMENTS WITH NELSON BAY 2030 STRATEGY 20 January 2012 TRRA during 2011 continued to monitor progress with this project making a number of submissions to the Council Planners and to Councillors calling for the revision … Continue reading

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Council Again Ignores Its Own Planning Advice……!

At its 19 December 2011 meeting, Council once again overrode staff advice on two significant developments. Staff had recommended refusal of a DA for 16 new villas at the Salamander Haven complex on Deimars Rd because the applicant had failed … Continue reading

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Coal Seam Gas

Dart Energy have a coal seam gas (CSG) exploration licence covering almost the whole of Port Stephens, and propose drilling 4 ‘pilot’ wells near Fullerton Cove. Many in the community are concerned about the environmental effects of CSG, particularly on … Continue reading

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PS Council Tree Preservation

At its 19 December 2011 Meeting, Council deferred adoption of a revised Tree Preservation Policy pending further discussion of some points. Council initially requested a revised policy that would have effectively removed all protection for existing trees.  TRRA acknowledged the … Continue reading

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Salamander Shopping Centre Update

Council has a provisional agreement to sell all its land holding around the existing Salamander Bay Shopping Centre to a Tinkler Group company for $22.05 million, subject to negotiation and a lease-back deal for the sites of the Library and … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay CBD 2030 Plan: November 2011

TRRA representatives have participated in three ‘Stakeholder Forums’ on the draft Nelson Bay 2030 Planning Strategy between October and December 2011.  Our review of the draft Strategy is: HERE We continue to point our major flaws in the document, and to criticise … Continue reading

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Farmers Market Update

The Farmers Market Proposal, (Read Post 21 Sept. Below), has moved one step closer with the Council approving the DA. No date has been set for commencement.

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