TRRA provides input on a wide range of Council’s policies and practices

TRRA is perhaps best known for its submissions to Council and the State Government on major planning and development proposals.

But we also try to analyse the full range of Council policies and practices which we think matter to our members and the wider Tomaree community. These are sometimes critical but we also support proposals which we consider beneficial.  Recent submissions include:

Arguing for a lesser rate increase than the 7.5% p.a. for 7 years (66% overall) proposed by Council. Click Here

Making the case once again for longer notice of Council agendas. Click Here

Suggesting improvements to Council’s Economic Development and Tourism Strategy and Policy. Click Here

Economic Development and Tourism Strategy and Policy Document. Click Here

Supporting enhanced professional development for Councillors. Click Here

Questioning the basis of some of Council’s Fees and Charges. Click Here

Supporting Council’s proposed removal of the 50% discount on development contributions for manufactured home estates.

Full Text of Post Click Here



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One Response to TRRA provides input on a wide range of Council’s policies and practices

  1. Margaret Wilkinson says:

    What a great effort from the Brains Trust of TRRA – just so professional.

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