Would you have Approved this 53 Lot Subdivision Under a Defence Force Flight Path?

Here is a map published in the Examiner by the Defence Department (Apologies for the quality)

5 Councillors – MacKenzie, Dover, Morello, Tucker and Le Motte approved this subdivision  at Halloran Way/Richardson Road, Raymond Terrace on 14 May 2013 despite recommendations against by Council officers. 

 Councillors Nell, Dingle and Kafer immediately lodged a rescission motion and this was put to the meeting on 28 May 2013.  The recission motion was defeated on the vote of 6 Councillors MacKenzie, Dover, Tucker, Le Motte, Jordan and Doohan.

The concern of TRRA Inc is the threat to relationships with the RAAF and to the potential for future legal action as we have seen in the past, eg. Moffats at Swan Bay. This results in Council having less available funds to pay for basic services like roads, drainage, parks and reserves and all the other services we expect a Council to provide.

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