DA 16-2021-703, 11-15 Church St, Nelson Bay High Rise

DRAFT TRRA position – closing 28 October, 2022.

The developer of the proposed 11 storey apartment building on Church St in Nelson Bay has declined Council’s invitation to re-design the building to comply with the height limit.

Instead, changes currently on exhibition offer only a modest height reduction of 1.39 metres (bringing the height exceedance down from 4.18m to 2.79m).

We maintain that the applicant has failed to justify why compliance with the height limit is ‘unreasonable or unnecessary’ which is the required test under Clause 4.6 of the LEP.

Submissions are due by 28 October – Go to Exhibition details/make a submission at

View TRRA’s draft position to PSC: 20221028-TRRA DRAFT position on 11-15 Church St high rise

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5 Responses to DA 16-2021-703, 11-15 Church St, Nelson Bay High Rise

  1. Natash Bailey says:

    As a resident and owner of properties in the bay, I fully support the go ahead of this development. The building achieves a balance between attractive design while maintaining a height profile that does not detract from the surrounds. The town desperately needs development to go ahead and I believe this building sets the right tone.

  2. George Allen says:

    I agree 100% with the Tomaree ratepayers and Residents association
    regarding this proposed development in church street

  3. Gill Whitton says:

    The developer should be emphatically required to adhere to the height limit
    There is a necessity for council keep all development to this requirement

  4. What do they want , Surfs Paradise!
    Surly the people of Port Stephens don’t want that .
    All I can say is more power to the people on this .
    Here’s hope common sense will prevail.

  5. Marilyn Williams says:

    This DA still does not comply and as a result should be refused.

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