Monday, 10th October 2022 at 7.00 pm will be held
Nelson Room of the Nelson Bay Bowling Club
Check out the following video links provided by Council to assist the Community in understanding Rate Caps and Lan Revaluations. They will be up for discussion at the General Meeting.
2023-2024 Rate Cap Announcement
Refer our last TRRA Newsletter – see HERE
Hi Nigel,
Did the TRRA publish Council planning & development staff’s comprehensive planning report recommending approval? or the endorsement from Council’s independent Design Review Panel? or any extracts from both?
Does the TRRA membership rely upon and are guided by your personal assessment as Planning lead?
May I ask what your professional experience is with design and planning of such developments? and,
Why should the TRRA membership listen to your opinion rather than the expert independent design and planning professionals on the Design Review Panel and within Council’s own planning and development team?
Not to mention the project design and planning team for the developments who are all very experienced Registered and Accredited Architects, Urban Designers, Landscape Architects, planners and Engineers.
I have read the planning advice and opinions, and submission guidelines prepared and distributed by the TRRA and Councillors, and most contain non-factual as well as misleading information, presented to a very negative agenda.
I’m yet to see any recognition of good design or any flexibility or compromise from the TRRA, or simply presenting a balanced perspective and allowing your membership to make their own mind up on a proposed development.
If the TRRA expect flexibility and compromise from developers and Councillors in relation to development, then I suggest our community also need to see that the TRRA are capable of the same.
In my opinion, Nigel Waters’ latest comments on the proposed Ascent development are grossly misleading to the TRRA membership, and show little or no understanding of the proposal or experience with design, planning and development.
Instead I suggest that the TRRA membership should refer to Port Stephens Council’s comprehensive planning report, which recommends approval and is supported by the endorsement of an independent Design Review Panel, as both these parties consider the views of the community in a balanced way. This report is factually correct and unbiased, and would provide the TRRA members with the best possible information to make an informed decision as an individual ratepayer and residents.
I encourage the TRRA to include a link to the Planning Report so that their membership has the correct information.
Everyone, including TRRA, is entitled to disagree with the Council assessment, which in this case goes to the issue of whether the height variation has been justified. We usually direct people to the DA Tracker which contains the applicant’s documents, and/or to the Council agenda which contain the reports. Our latest position on this DA has just been posted to this website.