Examiner – Letters to the Editor 12 April 2016: MP’s actions prove costly
This letter probably requires a response from TRRA as well. Clr. Doohan should put on his boxing gloves and give himself an uppercut for drawing this conclusion from the article in the Examiner, it is just a cheap political shot. Kate Washington has made it pretty clear where she stands on this merger proposal from the Baird Government and Minister Toole, as have TRRA, it is the Government’s policy, they own it and it is state wide not just Port Stephens. If he wants to whinge, that would be a good place to start, not try to shift the blame elsewhere.
Maybe TRRA should take some of the blame too, because we have complained long and hard to the Minister, the OLG and anyone who would listen about the decisions taken by Councilor Doohan and some of his mates. The one this week about the new ratepayer funded Medowie boozer is a classic and he is the main perpetrator, that is where $3.8 mil of our section 94 funds are going and that is only the first stage! There is a need for sports facilities in Medowie for young people, not this.
Newcastle Herald 04 Dec 2016: Port Stephens Councillor Chris Doohan is pushing for a new sports club. No alcohol, gambling for Medowie Club
Newcastle Herald April 12 2016: Call for Medowie venue to “go for a beer together and watch sport” | poll
Now that they have blown the $200.00 K that they lifted out of our account to fight this merger, and what will it achieve? Probably Zilch! If anything their attitude is what will probably get them sacked by the Minister. Oh well, blame the Local Member, nothing to see here, it was not our fault!
We are beginning to wonder if Clr. Dingle may be right, for Port Stephens the sooner the Government cleans this mob out the better we will be. Let’s hope they don’t do too much more damage before that happens and let’s hope that we get some say in the replacements! This blow-in only got in on the Mayor’s coattails anyway.
Letters to the Port Stephens Examiner
MP’s actions prove costly
I WAS disgusted to read the story “Washington weathers mighty year of storms and stoushes [Examiner, April 7] marking Port MP Kate Washington’s first year in office.
In it she openly admitted to taking action which she believes “may have” led to the merger decision of Port Stephens and Newcastle.
Later, she publicly claimed to not agree with a merger and vowed to fight against it.
Was it because she realised the community was against it, and pulled out the turn-coat?
Well thanks Kate, the council and community have now had to fight and spend ratepayers money to prevent such a proposal taking place and to undo your actions.
How very disappointing.
Chris Doohan
Deputy Mayor, Port Stephens
I can’t believe that the people of Port Stephens have put up with a council that is so overtly dodgy as this one has been for so long. I’m in favour of the merger simply because it seems a good way to dispense with the mayor and his so-called “block” and start again