Search Results for: 2013

PSC 2012 Election Post Mortem – Final

TRRA Press Release on PSC 2012 Elections For the total masochists among you, here are the full, final results of the 2012 poll, and the Contact list for all Councillors: Mayoral Ballot East Ward Ballot Central Ward Ballot West Ward … Continue reading

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TRRA Submission On PSC Draft Integrated Plan

TRRA Financial Sub-Committee has completed a very comprehensive submission on Port Stephens Councils Draft Integrated Plan. The DIP can be found on the Council website :Here   but be warned, it is an 8.15MB download of around 440 pages! It contains the … Continue reading

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Comments Now Welcome!

Have Your Say at TRRA! TRRA Inc. have now opened up their website for comments from members and the public.  All comments are moderated so be a little patient, your comment will be posted as soon as we can check … Continue reading

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General Meeting Minutes 2008/9/10

Please feel free to read or download the minutes from all our general meetings. Annual General meeting – October 11 2010.pdf General Updates and members feedback – September 13 2010.pdf Trevor Allen, Manager Integrated Planning, PSC – August 9 2010.pdf … Continue reading

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TRRA Meetings

      TRRA General Meetings are held on Mondays, at 7:00PM. As a rule, the second Monday of the month subject to confirmation. (Committee Members meet on the second last Thursday of every month.) This is to provide our … Continue reading

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About TRRA Inc.

‘A Port Stephens Community Voice’ TRRA Inc. actively represents the Tomaree community on issues such as planning and development, protecting the built and natural environment. TRRA also takes an active stance on economic development, tourism, culture and other grass roots … Continue reading

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DA Submissions & Objections

Port Stephens Council Shoal Bay Place Plan Port Stephens Council’s draft Shoal Bay Place Plan consolidates Shoal Bay’s strengths, and ambitions, and identifies short, medium and long-term actions that Council and the community can work on together to create opportunities. … Continue reading

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