Search Results for: 2015

TRRA DA Watch March 2016

    Our TRRA Planning Sub Committee monitors all D.A.’s of interest submitted to Council and the Department  of Planning and regularly updates Committee Members on current  submissions etc. We thought that this information should be shared with our membership … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, D A Watch, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

A Quite Different Perspective – Newcastle Merger Public Inquiry meetings

To me the derogatory remarks going around with Newcastle City Council being described as a basket case is far from the truth. I attended as a private individual the afternoon session of the Merger Public Inquiry held at the Marina … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Extra Ordinary! Merger Meeting Report

TRRA President Geoff Washington and Vice President Dick Appleby attended the Extraordinary Port Stephens Council Meeting on Tuesday along with a full gallery of curious ratepayers. The original motion before Council was for an allocation of 150K but this was … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, Council Decisions, Council Financial, Council Meetings, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

What Is The True State Of The Books At PSC ? Part Three

In Part One of this series of articles: We covered a lot of background material that has lead to the current state of affairs concerning Port Stephens Council’s financial accountability. In Part Two of this series: We report on the reaction of the Council and the … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Decisions, Council Financial, Council Meetings, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC Investigations

          I.C.A.C Investigations Has The High Court Killed ICAC? Posted April 18 2015 Opinion Piece Newcastle Herald May 05 2015: Baird’s Plan To Bolster ICAC’s Past Findings Newcastle Herald May 06 2015: Bipartisan Support For ICAC ‘Validation … Continue reading

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TRRA Media

TRRA News Archives Local Politics 2015 Local Politics 2014

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State Government – Archive

          ICAC Investigation Link 2015 NSW State Election:      Comment:  Politics is always difficult……….  10 March 2015 TRRA ‘Meet the Candidates’ Full Report: HERE Mistaken Identity: A letter to all PS Councillors and MPS from one of our … Continue reading

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Our Council – Archive

          2012 Council Elections Link Ash St/ Oasis Close – Walkway To Nowhere? Posted 06 July 2014: Updated to October 30 2014    Works Plan 2015-2025 – Extract from Straregic Asset Plan P-206-219 150331 Submission on Draft … Continue reading

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Planning & Development – Archive

            Planning For People Community Forum – EcoNetwork Sunday 26 April 2015 – Tomaree Community Centre – 2:00 Pm   Better Planning Network Community Charter Posted 15 September 2014 Planning For The people!   Soldiers … Continue reading

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TRRA News Archive

            Koala Protection Society Vice President RON LAND  is Guest speaker at  TRRA 2016 AGM Proposed ‘Koala Hospital’ at Samurai etc………….. Walk With Us – Port Stephens Suicide Prevention Network Saturday  10 September 2016, Iluka Reserve, Boat … Continue reading

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