Search Results for: 2012

TRRA Inc. Issues Raised In Parliament

Newcastle Herald 22 August 2014: Labor’s Call For Answers 19 August 2014: TRRA inc. concerns about the Conduct of the 2012 Port Stephens Council Elections and the Councils reluctance to release comprehensive information relating to DA applications electronically on their website were … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Decisions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC, MaKenzie & McCloy – Should Property Developers Be Mayors too?

  Reaction – Examiner 20 August 2014: Call For ICAC Probe Into PSC & Mayor Bruce MacKenzie Update 20 August: Correction to Mayors assertion in the Examiner:  “ICAC have more to do than come to Port Stephens,” he said. “The TRRA are only … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Elections, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Crown lands Management Review June 2014

Update 20 August 2014:  We have just recieved a press release from the Opposition Shadow Minister For Regional & Rural Affairs Hon Mick Veitch that : MINISTER ADMITS CROWN LANDS ACT REVIEW SHELVED BY COMMUNITY PRESSURE.  Things are changing in the … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Yacaaba Centre, Service looses Funding

Examiner 27 August 2014: Yaccaba Centre Handed Lifeline Letter From The Yaccaba Centre 25 August 2014: Answers To Some Misconceptions  Newcastle Herald 15 August 2014: Yaccaba Centre For Homeless To Close After 25 Years Examiner 13 Aug 2014: Redhead Backing … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Birubi Resort Failure – Even ‘Bruce Almighty’ Can’t Fix It!

Examiner 02 June 2016: Administrator finds new Chinese buyer for Birubi resort Examiner 13 Jan 2016: Mayor to ‘shirtfront’ Chinese President Xi Jinping…….! Birubi Resort a ‘blight’ on Chinese relations Examiner 04 August 2015: New Hong Kong buyer for Birubi Beach Resort … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Council Compliance, Council Decisions, Council Meetings, Council Responses, Council Submissions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Archives 2020 – 2008

Archives: 2020  Archives: 2019 Archives: 2018  Archives: 2017  Archives: 2016 Archives: 2015 Archives: 2014 Archives: 2013 Archives: 2012 Archives: 2011 Archives: 2010 Archives: 2009 Archives: 2008 Archives: Unsorted Misc Files

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Soldiers Point Marina November Update

Soldiers Point Marina – March 2013 Update The TRRA has actively monitored the status of this proposal over the last 6 months. During that time Council has been in regular communication with the applicant to try and obtain additional information on … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Apex Park Memorial Relocation

Still Controversial, (Examiner 14 November HERE and HERE,) the relocation of the War Memorial has now been completed and Council workers have done a fine job of the construction and landscaping. TRRA sincerely hope that the relocation satisfies the needs of … Continue reading

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Whats Going On At WALLALONG?

TRRA Watch: Updates As They Happen: 02 July 2014 Wallalong Stays Rural ! Newcastle Herald 22 July 2014: Push For Wallalong Housing Hub Not Over Newcastle Herald 07 May 2014: Wallalong Residential Plan ‘Inconsistent’ With Guidelines Update 11 April 2014 We asked the question … Continue reading

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TRRA Inc 2013 Annual General Meeting

Dear Members  We hope that you and your families will attend this important meeting, and if you feel you can make a contribution, nominate for a position on the Management Committee, we need all the help we can get!  For … Continue reading

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