Tag Archives: 2012

TRRA Inc. Now Incorporated

As a result of Decisions forshadowed at the February General Meeting 2012 and Adopted at the April General Meeting, TRRA inc. has now been registered under the NSW 2009 Incorporated Associations Act as an Incorporated Association.  Our leagal advisor recommended this … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay Strategy Finalised – Generally Welcomed But Excessive Height Limits

**NB You can now comment on this post……… On 24 April, Council finally adopted the Nelson Bay Town Centre and Foreshore Strategy which has been a work in progress for more than 5 years. When implemented through the LEP and … Continue reading

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Salamander Centre Land Sale, Big W, Aldi and More

** Now you can comment on this post! Council has replied to TRRA’s enquiry about about its intentions following the withdrawal by Tinklercorp of its offer to buy the entire 11 hectares of land surrounding the existing Centre. Council replied … Continue reading

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Last chance for Nelson Bay height limits

A final draft Nelson Bay Strategy is recommended for adoption at the Council meeting on 24 April, but TRRA is lobbying hard to reverse last minute changes which would allow higher buildings anywhere in the town centre. The draft placed … Continue reading

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Salamander Centre Land Sale, BigW, Aldi and more

Council has replied to TRRA’s enquiry about about its intentions following the withdrawal by Tinklercorp of its offer to buy the entire 11 hectares of land surrounding the existing Centre. Council replied on 3 April HERE that it had resolved … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay Visitor Centre Location

At the TRRA Meeting on Monday 16 April the Issue of the location of the Nelson Bay Visitor Information Centre was raised by Margaret Wilkinson.  She submitted the folowing proposal and this was adoppted by the meeting. For further information … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay Town Centre And Foreshore Strategy

TRRA Planning Sub-Committee has been attending the stakleholder workshops with Council Planners to have input into the Nelson Bay Town Center and Foreshore Strategy. The results looked promising until the final draft was released on Thursday night just before Easter. … Continue reading

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Salamander Land Sale – opportunity to get it right

** NB You can now comment on this post!……… Following reports that Council’s sale of the land around the Salamander Shopping Centre to TinklerCorp has fallen through, TRRA has written to Council urging them to see this as an opportunity. … Continue reading

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Soldiers Point Marina expansion

Many members and other local residents have expressed concern about the proposed expansion of the Soldiers Point Marina. A local action group has been formed and held a public meeting at the Soldiers Point Bowling Club on Monday 2 April, … Continue reading

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Special April TRRA General Meeting Details

Meeting notices for the TRRA Special General Meeting 16 April have been emailed to all members and those without computer access have recieved them by mail. This information including the AGENDA is also available: HERE    

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