Author Archives: TRRA

Candidate Forum No. 3 Medowie, Dread-locked Leafleter

The TRRA Team set up our presentation for the third session of the ‘Meet The Candidates’ Forum as guests of the Medowie Progress Association in their excellent multi hall facility in the Medowie Community Centre. The hall had a large pull-down … Continue reading

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Candidate Forum No. 2 Anna Bay, Cardboard Candidates

After TRRA’s very successful ‘Meet the Candidates’ Forum at Soldiers Point on Monday night we moved on to the second scheduled Forum at  the Community Hall in Anna Bay with a degree of optimisim.  This was a much smaller venue … Continue reading

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Candidate Forum No 1, Preference Deals Revealed

A full house of nearly 200 attended the first of four TRRA.Inc.’Meet The Candidate’ Forums at the Soldiers Point Bowling Club Last night, Monday 20 August.  We have received a lot of comments from Candidates and the public that it was an … Continue reading

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PSC 2012 Elections- Ballot Draw

The Ballot Paper Draw for the PSC 2012 elections was conducted on Wednesday August 08 after nominations closed at 12.00 noon, and the results are on the Council website, however they are in longhand on separate sheets an are difficult … Continue reading

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‘Meet The Candidate’ PSC Election Forums Update

Nominations close at 12.00 Noon today (Wednesday August 08) for the PSC Council Elections and as soon the Candidates are announced we will be sending them invitations to attend our ‘TRRA Meet The Candidate’ Forums. Negotiations are now completed with the relevant Community … Continue reading

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Proposed PSC Election Forums

Negotiations are under way with various Community Groups to extend the proposed Candidate Forums to the Central and West Wards.  We have also aproached the Examiner to co-sponsor this initiative.  At this stage the forums would be at: Nelson Bay … Continue reading

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Anna Bay – ‘Community Terrified…..’

Anna Bay Community Forum, Sunday July 22   Geoff Washington reports:  Judy and I attended a meeting at Anna Bay this afternoon called to discuss their wave of teenage crime, graffiti and terrorism of residents and especially young people who are … Continue reading

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Council Exposed Over Stockton Bight Bungle

 The Port Stephens Council 26 June meeting reconsidered a matter now proceeding in the Land and Environment Court relating to Council’s decision to compulsorily acquire land to open the controversial Stockton Bight track near the Mackas Sand mine . The … Continue reading

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What the General Manager Does Not Want You To See!

What the General Manager Does Not Want You To See! It appears from the article in today’s Examiner (reproduced below) that the General Manager Of Port Stephens Council wants to have another go at convincing Councillors to support a motion … Continue reading

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2012 Council Elections- Questions

2012 Council Elections Submit your Question Here! We want our TRRA Membership and the Public to help TRRA compile a short list of questions to put to the candidates for the coming Mayoral and Council Elections to be conducted on September 08 … Continue reading

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