Category Archives: x TRRA ARCHIVES

Letters: MP’S Actions Prove Costly

Examiner – Letters to the Editor 12 April 2016: MP’s actions prove costly  This letter probably requires a  response from TRRA as well. Clr. Doohan should put on his boxing gloves and give himself an uppercut for drawing this conclusion from the … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Elections, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Lawyers Picnic at Lagoons Estate 2016

 Press Clippings Updated to 20 May 2016.  I wonder what the new ‘City of the Hunter Coast Council’ will make of this when they get the multi-million dollar bill next year???  Posted 07 April 2016. 12 Years of litigation, and the only winners are … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Litagation, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The NBN is coming, but what are we getting?

  NBN Update: 04 May 2016: Bianca and Jake from Telstra Salamander were guest speakers at our April TRRA Meeting, and a very informative discussion was held, with quite a few old ‘TRRA Techies’ turning up that we had not … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, ANNOUNCEMENTS, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, TRRA MEDIA & NEWS | Tagged , | Leave a comment

TRRA DA Watch March 2016

    Our TRRA Planning Sub Committee monitors all D.A.’s of interest submitted to Council and the Department  of Planning and regularly updates Committee Members on current  submissions etc. We thought that this information should be shared with our membership … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, D A Watch, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

A Quite Different Perspective – Newcastle Merger Public Inquiry meetings

To me the derogatory remarks going around with Newcastle City Council being described as a basket case is far from the truth. I attended as a private individual the afternoon session of the Merger Public Inquiry held at the Marina … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Report on Public Inquiry into Merger Proposal

Horizons Golf Club, Thursday 04 February 2016, 9:00am – 12:00pm Public Enquiry Today I listened to the people of Port Stephens, individuals, representatives from Community Groups, their elected representatives on Council and the PS Council General Manager. There were about … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Extra Ordinary! Merger Meeting Report

TRRA President Geoff Washington and Vice President Dick Appleby attended the Extraordinary Port Stephens Council Meeting on Tuesday along with a full gallery of curious ratepayers. The original motion before Council was for an allocation of 150K but this was … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Amalgamations, Council Decisions, Council Financial, Council Meetings, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

What Is The True State Of The Books At PSC ? Part Three

In Part One of this series of articles: We covered a lot of background material that has lead to the current state of affairs concerning Port Stephens Council’s financial accountability. In Part Two of this series: We report on the reaction of the Council and the … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Decisions, Council Financial, Council Meetings, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Council Amalgamations

We have moved all Council Merger and Amalgamation Information to a special page HERE

Posted in 2016, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Amalgamations, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Our New Format Website for 2017, How it works….

Our New Format Website for 2017, How it works……… January 2017: In January 2016 we launched our new format website, it is now one year old, so we are going to follow the same policy and archive the important issues for the previous … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, 2017, ANNOUNCEMENTS, TRRA MEDIA & NEWS | Tagged | 3 Comments