Examiner 18 March 2016: Macka’s Sand gains approval for additional 14 truck movements
Newcastle Herald 16 Feb 2016: Port Stephens mayor Bruce MacKenzie’s family sand quarry stands alone in compliance audit
Update From Community Forum – 08 August 2015
Examiner 11 August 11: Mackas Sand truck movement concern
Newcastle Herald 08 August 2015: Mayor’s mining company breached conditions
The article in the Herald above pretty well covers what occurred at the well attended meeting at the Williamtown hall called by our State MP Kate Washington.
If you wish to make a submission you should go to the NSW Govt Planning & Environment website HERE and follow the instructions. Submissions will only be open until 19 August 2015.
Community Forum
This is to notify members that there is a special meeting being held on Friday next 7th August commencing at 5 pm in the Williamtown Hall, Nelson Bay Road.
The public notice in the Examiner this week relating to the request for a substantial increase (200%) to the existing sand truck movements to and from the new Mackas Sand alternate road access (white fence on left) will be the main topic. An extension to operating hours is also being sought. TRRA Inc objected strongly to this road construction with major concerns for safety our main issue. It was approved with conditions relating to truck movements and operating hours to protect public safety and amenity for neighbours.
Kate Washington, MP who has followed the approval process for the construction of this road long before she became our local member is hosting this meeting. She has organized the following speakers:-
Anna Zycki, Hunter Regional Manager, Roads and Maritime Services; and
Mr Collin Phillips, Team Leader, Department of Planning & Environment.
Your attendance would be greatly appreciated. Public safety is at risk.
Do you want more trucks coming on and off Nelson Bay Road?
Newcastle Herald 03 August 2015: Truck traffic set to soar
Newcastle Herald 04 August 2015:Extra traffic expected to exacerbate problems
ABC News 07 August 2015: Truck concerns prompt community forum
Newcastle Herald 19 Aug 2015: Mackenzie tells McKay: mind your own business