Tag Archives: TRRA Submissions to PSC

Holiday Parks – Samurai – April Update

Samurai Closed –  Park Administration Cleaned Up  Geoff Washington and Dick Appleby met with the senior manager of the Crown Lands Department in Maitland today to discuss the submission we put to the Department and Council regarding Port Stephens management of the … Continue reading

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Soldiers Point Marina – March Update

At the TRRA meeting held on 11 February, 2013, Colin Howard, President of the Soldiers Point Community Group gave a comprehensive update on the revised proposal submitted by the proponent in October last year: HERE. He highlighted the continued inadequacy … Continue reading

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PS Council Managed Caravan Parks- Update

TRRA succeeded in its application under the GIPA Act to obtain  a copy of the Deloitte Audit of the PSC Holiday Parks Management alluded to in previous posts: HERE and HERE.  Relevant correspondence was also released.These documents are currently being  analysed  by … Continue reading

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TRRA Submission On PSC Draft Integrated Plan

TRRA Financial Sub-Committee has completed a very comprehensive submission on Port Stephens Councils Draft Integrated Plan. The DIP can be found on the Council website :Here   but be warned, it is an 8.15MB download of around 440 pages! It contains the … Continue reading

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Port Stephens Council Integrated Strategic Plans

 Each year all Councils are required to prepare an “Integrated Strategic Plan” which sets out the Council’s broad objectives, its works programme into the future, an Asset Management Plan and a Forward Financial Plan. TRRA studied the 300 plus page … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay Marina Resort

A development application was lodged in 2010 for the redevelopment of the Marina Resort on Magnus Street, Nelson Bay. The proposal involved the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new resort hotel, conference centre and hospitality school. … Continue reading

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Nelson Bay CBD 2030 Plan

A revised draft of the Nelson Bay 2030 Strategy is in preparation (Sept 2011) and Council’s Group Manager Sustainable Planning has indicated that they intend to hold consultations/ workshops in the near future to test their latest thinking. TRRA has been assured that we will be invited as a stakeholder.

TRRA’s latest Submission to Council is: HERE

A Capacity Modelling Plan was prepared for Council as part of this exercise in May 2011.  This was prepared by the Melbourne firm Design Urban, available: HERE  Heaven forbid!  TRRA strongly challenged the assumptions in this report especially the applicability of Melbourne inner city  high density concepts to Nelson Bay.

TRRA did a Press Release on our ‘Vision For Nelson Bay’ that was eventually printed in the Examiner: HERE

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