Category Archives: x TRRA ARCHIVES

Yacaaba Centre, Service looses Funding

Examiner 27 August 2014: Yaccaba Centre Handed Lifeline Letter From The Yaccaba Centre 25 August 2014: Answers To Some Misconceptions  Newcastle Herald 15 August 2014: Yaccaba Centre For Homeless To Close After 25 Years Examiner 13 Aug 2014: Redhead Backing … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Wallalong Stays Rural !

For those that are interested in following the saga that we reported on originally in October 2013 and updated through to May 2014 HERE I have aggregated the articles in the Newcastle Herald and The Examiner to finish off the story.   … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, 2014, Council Decisions, Council Meetings, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Soldiers Point Marina Plan Ki-boshed by JRRP

UPDATE – Examiner 18 March 2016: Joint Regional Planning Panel rejects Soldiers Point Marina plan  The decision of the NSW Joint Regional Planning Panel to refuse the application by Clippers Anchorage to expand the existing 100 berth Soldiers Point Marina by … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Council Decisions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dog Exercise Areas – Council Maps

Dog Exercise Areas Public Exhibition – Draft Dog Exercise Area Mapping Following many community requests it has been decided to extend the exhibition period for the Dog Exercise Area mapping for a further 28 days to allow sufficient time for … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Decisions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Birubi Resort Failure – Even ‘Bruce Almighty’ Can’t Fix It!

Examiner 02 June 2016: Administrator finds new Chinese buyer for Birubi resort Examiner 13 Jan 2016: Mayor to ‘shirtfront’ Chinese President Xi Jinping…….! Birubi Resort a ‘blight’ on Chinese relations Examiner 04 August 2015: New Hong Kong buyer for Birubi Beach Resort … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Council Compliance, Council Decisions, Council Meetings, Council Responses, Council Submissions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Proposed Closure Of Facilities On The Peninsula

Update Newcastle Herald July 11 Op Ed Kate Washington: NSW Government Failing People With Disabillities This Item was discussed at TRRA General Meetings on 12 May and 14 July. 1. Closure of Tomaree Lodge and the Stockton Centre facilities : There’s been … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Meetings, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC – Operation Spicer – Who is in the Cac At ICAC?

‘The Grim Reaper’  NSW disease has now mutated from the Labour Party and it appears that a particularly virulent strain has taken hold in the Liberal Party with Premiers, Ministers and MP’s going down like nine pins with Council Assisting … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, HOT ISSUES, I.C.A.C. Investigations, Litagation, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Proposed Caravan Park, Bobs Farm

In February 2014, TRRA made a submission HERE on a Development Application (DA) for a 184 site caravan park on the site of the former Divers Luck winery near the turn off Nelson Bay Rd for Fenningham’s Island.  The park … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Council Submissions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Council Requires SIS for Marina Support

Update 24 May 2014: JRPP Dates For Hearing See Also: Planning Assessment Commission decried as ‘rubber stamp’ after high approval rate April 03 2014 Port Stephens Council has withdrawn its support for this contentious Application because it has succumbed to pressure from … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Council Responses, Council Submissions, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Newcastle Herald PSC Election Investigation

Newcastle Herald February 28 2014: EDITORIAL: Questions From An Election   (More Links below.) The Newcastle Herald has had investigative reporters looking into the conduct of the last Port Stephens Election since the financial returns were made available from the N.S.W Electoral Funding Authority … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, 2013, 2014, Council Elections, HOT ISSUES, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , | 2 Comments