Category Archives: 2016

Minister Toole’s Belated Response To Background Briefing Program

———————————————————————————————————————————– Update 17 December 2015: Our Submission and the Ministers’ Response     151008 Letter To Minister Toole Re Background Briefing Program 151217 Response From Minister Toole Re Background Briefing Program This is the pathetic response received to our submission … Continue reading

Posted in 2016, Council Compliance, Council Decisions, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

ICAC Still Under Threat

               Even More ICAC Stories: HERE Later Story 31 Aug 2016: ICAC Report – Operation Spicer Check  Newspaper links below – Updated Regularly……..! “Could a pair of fake breasts have triggered a saga that changes … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, I.C.A.C. Investigations, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , | Leave a comment

McCloy High Court Challenge Fails

McCloy High Court Challenge Newcastle Herald 07 October 2015: McCloy’s challenge rejected  Newcastle Herald 07 October 2015: ANALYSIS: How the donation penny dropped  Newcastle Herald 07 October 2015: OPINION: Power of corporate patrons  Newcastle Herald 08 October 2015; OPINION: No risk … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, I.C.A.C. Investigations, Litagation, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Alexander Park Dressage, Salt Ash Pony Club or Bruce’s BMX?

What sort of example does Port Stephens Council set to developers and construction companies if it allows itself and its Mayor to behave in this manner? Any wonder it cannot get others to comply with the rules if it does not … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, Council Compliance, Council Financial, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, STATE GOVERNMENT | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

$230 Mil Anna Bay Resort

A developer, Raphel Shinn Enterprises, is planning to build a $230 Million dollar Eco-Resort at Anna Bay. A presentation on this project was given at a  TRRA General Meeting 10 August 12015 by Geoff Washington from our TRRA Planning Subcommittee. Geoff has given … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, D A Watch, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Submissions | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

An Evening with Macka…………..

  Examiner 13 December 2016: Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association issues apology to mayor Bruce MacKenzie And in a parallel universe: Examiner 26 December 2016: OPINION: Port Stephens Council and residents united in 2016 to fight to state government on merger … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Council Amalgamations, Council Meetings, HOT ISSUES, Litagation, PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL, Sand Mining, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Macka’s Sand To Increase Sand Truck Movements 200%

Examiner 18 March 2016: Macka’s Sand gains approval for additional 14 truck movements  Newcastle Herald 16 Feb 2016: Port Stephens mayor Bruce MacKenzie’s family sand quarry stands alone in compliance audit  Update From Community Forum – 08 August 2015 Examiner 11 August … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Sand Mining, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Cabbage Tree Road Sandmine

Will The Port Stephens Ratepayers Ever Get the ‘Cabbage’ from the Cabbage Tree Road Sand Mine? Part 1 This story above was edited 01 August 2015 as further information was received. There is a fair bit of detail in this … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, Council Decisions, Council Financial, Council Meetings, HOT ISSUES, I.C.A.C. Investigations, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Sand Mining, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Is Port Stephens Council As Financially Viable As They Would Like Us To Believe?

TRRA had a conversation with Councillor Geoff Dingle recently about the general state of the finances at Port Stephens Council. Council’s future strategy was outlined recently in its ‘Fit for the Future’ submission to the State Government in which it stated … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, 2015, 2016, Council Financial, Council Meetings, HOT ISSUES, I.C.A.C. Investigations, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Sand Mining, State Gov Submissions, State Gov. Responses, STATE GOVERNMENT, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Concern Re Commercial Development Of Donald Street Car Parks

As we mentioned in our last post  on Donald Street Car Park, TRRA Inc. has some history with the Council and the Donald Street East Car Park. We made extensive submissions to Council about a proposed Public Private Partnership with Coral … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, 2016, D A Watch, HOT ISSUES, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, Planning Issues, Planning Submissions, What The Papers Said! | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment